How to Find Your Personal Style

We know how hard it can be to look your best all the time. Unfortunately brands have gone further and further away from being helpful in that aspect and it’s one of the most important things about fashion. Style Encyclopedia is here to help you along the way!

Table of Contents

What is Your Goal?

If fashion something you want to pursue? Do you just want to look more put together on a day to day basis? Maybe you just want to feel comfortable with what you have? 

If any of these apply to you stick around….

If you dont know what your personal style is start here, after you know your colors, style, etc. start here. If you want to get into more detailed fashion advice start here. 

How to Find your Body Type...

With so many different “Body Type” quizes, how do you know which one is the most applicable? Theres the Fruits, Kibbe, the Sheldon Types, and more niche options as well. We personally recommend Kibbe but this sometimes can be a problem if you are more in the plus size.  We are going to start off with Kibbe and work out way towards other types. If you already know your Kibbe, jump to your colors. 

Kibbe Body Test

For this Test, youre going to need a photo off yourself in either tight clothing or in undergarments. You will also need to wright your answers down either on paper or your phone in order to “score” yourself.


Section 1: Bone Structure

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How Long Is Your Vertical Line?

Overall Vertical Line (Impression of Height):

  • A. Tall, regardless of actual height (Dramatic, Flamboyant Natural)
  • B. Petite and compact, appears shorter than actual height (Gamine, Soft Gamine)
  • C. Balanced, neither tall nor short (Classic, Soft Classic)
  • D. Shorter, with a soft and rounded impression (Romantic, Theatrical Romantic)
  • E. Long and lean, with an elongated appearance (Flamboyant Gamine, Dramatic)
  • F. Moderate height, with a slightly elongated impression (Natural, Soft Natural)
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