Style Encyclopedia originally started in 2018 as a fashion blog featuring top stories from popular brands and department stores. After further research and findings, we did not feel comfortable promoting brands that had low moral and ethical standards. So Style Encyclopedia shut down in 2021 to re-group and come back as an Online Fashion Resource guide.
Our goal is to connect consumers with brands they love, whether that be a brand you used to know but totally forgot about, or a brand you just discovered, we want to make brand discovery as easy as possible.
We currently run 2 main portions of our site and are constantly working on improving and expanding. First is our blog. Our Blog features article, stories, lists, about styles, brands, categories, and more! This is a great way to see specifics, (Ex. Mens Vacation wear Brands, Women’s Elevated Loungewear.)
Next Main Portion of our site is our encyclopedia. Here you will find a scrollable, filterable, database filled with over 400 brands that sell directly to you.
We are currently working on Regional Shopping Guides, Rating Systems, Local Events, and more! We always love feedback and suggestions, so please drop us a line on our Contact Page!
We hope you love the site, I know I do. ~Madam